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Company Name: KPT Extrusion Solutions
Contact name: KPT Extrusion Solutions
Main region covered: Guizhou
City: Kaili
Address: First Floor, E Building, Jinao Industrial Park, Fucheng Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen 518110, China
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Contact Tel: +86 755 2805 1825
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Services offered : Business Opportunity, Retail - shop
Description of services: Our advantage is that we can extrude complex shape and complex co-extrusion products, and we can directly extrude ABS PROFILES WITHOUT ANY LINES ON THE SURFACE.

KPT’s predominant area of expertise is in the manufacture of custom plastic extrusions. By teaming up with our Extruded Plastic Specialists, customers have the opportunity to improve their effectiveness and performance in their manufacturing. We design our tooling in-house. Our engineering staffs are familiar with most thermoplastic extrusion grade materials. We can help our customers choose the best material for their extruded plastic application. We can produce custom colors that are matched to customer’s specific needs and requirements. Our value added secondary operations, such as notching, punching, drilling, cutting, welding, printing, and Labeling & UPC Application.